Trashtronautica is a light-hearted indie tabletop where you’ll take the role of urban animals in space, searching for garbage among the stars. Players play as one of six types of urban animals, exploring space and gaining resources to tackle new and interesting challenges.

Choose Your Character


Adept at flying, these avian explorers are intelligent and social individuals.


Raccoons are resourceful and cunning, and thrive wherever there’s scrap.


Cunning creatures that excel at combat, coyotes are clever and incredibly versatile, easily adapting to their surroundings.


Small and nimble, rats specialize in stealth and their ability to find anything.


Curious and friendly, skunks possess a unique biological weapon complimented by their outgoing personality and honest spirit.


Shy, but well meaning, most opossums are easily stressed, but resilient in their own way.

Check out a Playthrough


Ideal for 3-6 Players and one Narrator. Requires one deck of standard playing cards (including Jokers), and two six-sided dice.

Includes simple character sheets, a collective ship sheet, and rulebook.


Game Concept and Rules by Moss Powers
Art Direction, Cover Illustration, and Layout by Kaye Mahoney
Additional Art by Lepish SusanoDavid TzurNataly Anderson, & Tony Girard 

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