DR4KK3N is a multiplayer game for a GM and several players. It is a dark fantasy dungeon crawler where you’ll move through a dungeon and eventually face down against a powerful dragon. Working together is the only way to defeat the dragon, so this is a game about teamwork winning the day. 

The Sword

Violent, Brave

Moves: Deliver a decisive blow; Take damage for someone else; Make a convincing threat, and mean it; Stand against all odds.

The Bow

Keen, Cool

Moves: Deliver a precise blow; Move with swiftness and purpose; See for miles; Heal with Nature’s Provisions.

The Knife

Dangerous, Ambitious

Moves: Deliver a cut with deadly intent; Sense danger; Go unnoticed; Escape from anything, even death herself.

The Fist

Disciplined, Awake

Moves: Deliver unexpected mercy, or sudden violence; Empty your mind; Create an aura of tranquility; Perform feats of superhuman abilities.

The Book

Wise, Ponderous

Moves: Deliver devastating energy; Close deadly wounds; Use your sharp mind; Light the deepest darkness.


DR4KK3N requires a d4, a GM, and 3-4 players.


Gameplay and writing for DR4KK3N by Moss Powers.
Art and Layout for DR4KK3N by Kaye Mahoney.
DR4KK3N is built on CaltropCore, by Titanomachy.

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